August 16, 2024

How can I minimise my costs & maximise my return?

We’ve all heard of those horror stories; thousands of dollars, months down the line and still no functioning product….Well unfortunately this happens all to often in the Software industry. In fact, at least once a week someone comes to us with this exact story & the Moonward team gears up to piece things together.

Having developed 100+ software products in 40+ industries, we’ve done a lot, seen a lot and learnt a lot…We totally get it, Software development can be a daunting journey, especially when it comes to balancing the budget with the desired outcome. All you need to do is Google “How much does an App cost” and you’ll be faced with thousands of results with numbers ranging from $5k to $1Million.

So whether you leverage Moonward for your software development or not, we’ve identified the 5 most important steps to follow in order to maximise your software returns and minimise your costs!

1. Build a Plan

We all know the saying: Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance. However, many people overlook this crucial step. The first and most obvious way to cut costs is to build a solid plan before starting the actual development phase.

It may sound simple, but I'm often surprised by how frequently this step is missed. Without a clear blueprint, your project is likely to veer off course and be left open to interpretation. Trust me, a developer's interpretation of your idea can be a dangerous place to find yourself.

Making changes to your plan during the development (coding) phase is extremely costly. Not only is it difficult for developers to re-engineer code once it's been written, but it's also very expensive!

This is why we require all of our clients to perform a comprehensive Design and Planning Blueprint before we begin development. This planning process provides the perfect space for sharing and iterating ideas, and it's inexpensive to make tweaks and changes. The Blueprint phase ensures you have a fully developed app plan before your developers write a single line of code. This eliminates the need for developers to re-engineer existing code and streamlines the entire development process. Lastly, it gives you complete peace of mind that your development team knows exactly what needs to be built, eliminating any miscommunication or misunderstandings.

If this is the only takeaway from this article, I guarantee it will not only save you tens of thousands of dollars but also months in future development.

2. Cut the Fat and Focus on Core Features

It’s easy to become enthusiastic about the endless possibilities a new software product can offer. If you find yourself saying, “And it can do this… and it can do this… and it can do this… and it can also do this…,” then you’ve likely identified some excess features that need to be trimmed. Remember, not every feature, idea, or concept needs to be included in the initial launch. Think of your product as a long-term relationship; you don’t need to get married and have kids on the first date.

Focus on building the core features that will deliver the most value to your users. Simply put, solve the number one biggest problem that your customers have. By cutting the fat and honing in on the essentials, you reduce development time and costs, ensuring that your product hits the market faster and with a stronger impact. This approach not only makes the initial development more manageable but also allows you to gather user feedback on the core features, which can guide future improvements and expansions.

Moreover, adopting a minimalist approach in the beginning helps in maintaining a lean and agile development process. This means fewer bugs, easier maintenance, and a more focused user experience. As you receive feedback from your initial user base, you can then iteratively add new features that are most requested or that provide the most value, all while staying aligned with your core business objectives.

Ultimately, the goal is to build a product that not only meets but exceeds user expectations by solving their most pressing problems efficiently. By focusing on the core features and avoiding the temptation to include every possible idea from the outset, you maximise every dollar invested in development.

3. Accountability: Trust the Right Team

In the realm of software development, accountability is paramount. You need a team that is not only highly skilled but also fully committed to delivering projects on time and within budget. Think of your developers as one of the most crucial components of your business infrastructure. Just as you wouldn’t trust the construction of your home to unqualified, subpar builders, you shouldn’t settle for anything less in your software development team.

Accountability ensures that every member of the team takes ownership of their tasks, responsibilities and timeframes, leading to a more cohesive and productive work environment. At Moonward, we take pride in our in-house team, which functions under a strict 100% accountability framework. This means no outsourcing or remote work; our team is always in sync, ensuring consistent communication, quality, and alignment from the project's inception to its completion.

Having an accountable team also means that the inevitable project challenges are addressed promptly, and solutions are implemented efficiently. This reduces the risk of delays and cost overruns, which are common pitfalls in software development. Our team’s accountability extends to every aspect of the development process, from initial planning and design to coding, testing, bug fixing and final deployment.

Accountability in software development is not just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental principle that drives project success. By partnering with a team that embodies this principle, you can navigate the complexities of software development with confidence, knowing that your project will never be at a standstill due to a lack of leadership or accountability.

4. Filter Feedback: Stay Focused on Your Business Goals

Feedback is incredibly valuable, but it's crucial to recognise that not all feedback is created equal. It's important to carefully filter the input you receive, always keeping your main business focus at the forefront. Each piece of feedback should be evaluated against your core objectives to ensure that you don't get sidetracked by well-meaning but ultimately irrelevant suggestions. Staying true to your vision is essential for creating a product that genuinely meets your business needs.

When you receive feedback, take the time to analyse it thoroughly. Consider the source of the feedback and their perspective. Are they a representative of your target audience? Do they understand your business goals and the problem your product aims to solve? Not all feedback will align with your strategic objectives, and that's okay. The key is to distinguish between constructive criticism that can improve your product and comments that might lead you astray.

Implementing every suggestion can dilute your product's focus and create unnecessary complexity. Instead, prioritise feedback that aligns with your core vision and enhances the value of your product. This approach ensures that you remain on track to meet your business goals while still being open to improvements.

While feedback is a powerful tool for improvement, it's essential to filter it effectively. By keeping your main business objectives in mind, you'll stay true to your vision and avoid wasting valuable resources on unnecessary development.

5. Go Slow to Go Fast: Take Time on Key Decisions

In the rush to get a product to market, it's tempting to make snap decisions. However, hasty actions can lead to costly mistakes. For instance, it's easy to quickly react to feedback and demand new feature development or push back the launch date by two months because you "need" to add another feature. However, It's crucial to take your time with key decisions, as a thoughtful approach now will save you time, money, and headaches down the line. At Moonward, we firmly believe in the mantra "go slow to go fast." By carefully considering each step, you pave the way for a smoother, more efficient development process.

Rushing through decisions can result in overlooking crucial details, potentially leading to unforeseen complications during development. The best advice I ever received about decision-making was simple: "Give it 24 hours." Taking a deliberate and measured approach allows you to anticipate potential challenges and address them proactively. This strategy not only enhances your product's overall quality but also ensures you stay aligned with your long-term business objectives.


Maximising your product outcome while minimising costs in software development boils down to making smart, strategic decisions. The most crucial step? Thorough planning! Before diving in, build a product roadmap or team up with a company like Moonward to create an App Blueprint. Once you've laid this foundation, focus on core features, hold your team accountable, filter feedback wisely, and take your time with key decisions. This approach will help you create a product that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. At Moonward, we're here to guide you through this process, ensuring your software development journey is as efficient and successful as possible. Want to chat more about your requirements? Just give us a shout!

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